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Professional laboratory support for the optimization of enzyme formulations with EnXylaScope partner divis intelligent solutions GmbH, in collaboration with Celignis.

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19 September 2024

In addition to the development of powerful AI methods for the optimization of enzyme formulations, another focus is on making these methods available in a way that anyone can use them easily and efficiently in laboratories.

For this reason, divis has been working intensively on the implementation of prototype software and a first version is now available. This has been tested by the project partner Celignis, for example. The feedback gained from practical experience was used to further improve usability.

In addition to the implementation of the methods, a sophisticated user interface and a presentation of the information in the form of charts and tables, as it is commonly used in laboratories, are necessary for ease of use.

To ensure wider acceptance, intensive work is also being carried out on a user manual and introductory tutorials.

Abb. Charts showing the distribution of different substances of the design of experiments.

Dr. Peter Krause - divis intelligent solutions GmbH